Here you will find instructions on how to do some of the more common computing tasks.
We used to rely on our own unsigned SSL certificates for Math web servers and e-mail but as of recently we have replaced them with ipsCA's signed certificates. ipsCA is generously providing high quality free SSL certificates to educational institutions.
All recent browsers and e-mail clients have appropriate root certificate that can be used to verify identity of our servers. Therefore no additional importing of certificates should be required. If you encounter any problems with our SSL certificates please let us know (like if your browser or e-mail client cannot recognize or verify our SSL certificate).
Connect to Math/PACM systems remotely
There are a number of different ways to access Math/PACM systems and services - login servers, computational machines, E-mail, files on file server and others. Here are some of these ways:
- Access your files on Math/PACM file server via cifs/samba on Windows, Mac OS X or Linux - directly access your files on the file server, on campus or after connecting via VPN
- Connect to login servers via ssh from Windows, Mac OS X or Linux (also copy files back and forth by using ssh/scp)
- Remote Linux Desktop access
For E-mail reading/access only please read below.
E-mail access and configuration
- Configure Thunderbird 2.* on Math Linux workstations
- Configure Thunderbird 2.* in general
- Configure Thunderbird 3.* in general
- Read your e-mail in your web browser by using Horde/IMP webmail
File restore/undelete/backup/snapshots
- How to restore deleted files or previous versions on Linux from home directory on Math/PACM file server (for files deleted or changed within last 4 days)
- How to restore deleted files or previous versions on Windows from home directory on Math/PACM file server (for files deleted or changed within last 4 days)
- How to restore deleted files or previous versions on Mac OS X from home directory on Math/PACM file server (for files deleted or changed within last 4 days)
- How to obtain files from backups (for files deleted or changed more than 4 days ago and usually not more than 3-4 months ago)
- How to configure your Macintosh for printing with the Dell printers on 11th and 5th floor (W5300n)
- How to configure your Microsoft Windows computer for printing to public printers in Fine Hall