HowTos:Certificate importing for Windows

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Windows has a certificate database that contains all certificates Internet Explorer, Outlook and Outlook Express recognize. If you are presented with unknown certificate message when accessing Mathematics Department resources - like the Math webmail in IE, or e-mail in Outlook or Outlook Epress - you will need to import Math certificate in the following way.

Click on this link (math certificate) in Internet Explorer. If you are presented with a "File Download Security Warning" or a similar prompt:

IE Certificate open.jpg

Please make sure you select "Open" if such a dialog appears. Your computer will then open up the Math certificate and offer you an opportunity to install it on your machine:

IE Certificate import.jpg

At this point please click on "Install Certificate" button. This will start the "Certificate Import Wizard":

IE Certificate wizard.jpg

where you have to click on "Next" button

IE Certificate wizard2.jpg

IE Certificate wizard3.jpg

IE Certificate wizard4.jpg

IE Certificate wizard5.jpg